Windows Development with Ada

Lärare blir Örjan Leringe, Mariadata. Han har hållit kursen internt vid flera företag. Senast i form av  en   "tutorial" på ämnet "Windows Development with Ada" vid Ada-Europes konferens i Santander, Spanien, juni 1999  och vid  SIGAdas konferens den 17 oktober, 1999 i Los Angeles.

En recension av framförandet vid SIGAda finns nedan

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Highlights of Tutorial MP2,
"Windows Development with Ada"

by Steven Doran (Litton Guidance & Control Systems)

   Windows development is an exciting field in Ada and I was looking forward to Örjan Leringe's tutorial, "Windows Development with Ada". I am pleased to write that I was not disappointed. The base of the tutorial was the binding tools available for Ada: Win32Ada, GUIBuilder from Aonix, Ada Foundation Classes (AFC), and Claw from RRsoftware. Mr. Leringe showed clear detailed examples of code for each Ada tool. I was particular impressed that Mr Leringe diverted from his outline and explained "Ada dispatching" (virtual functions in C++ speak.) This showed that Mr. Leringe was truly interested in teaching the subject matter. Several times the example code was run and this helped the attendee's understanding the code by "seeing the code in action". Windows bindings are not easy to comprehend at first, and like I described before, Mr. Leringe did a wonderful job of teaching the material in such a way that is easy to understand.
   All in all, Mr. Leringe did an excellent job and showed enthusiasm in his field on study. I hope that Mr. Leringe does more tutorials in future SIGAda's and I would recommend that anybody interested in expanding their Ada knowledge attend.